Wednesday, December 26, 2007


During lunch at a recent Leadership forum I was asked by one of the participants at the table, “How come many politicians and political leaders seem not to bother or practice all this Leadership stuff – don’t they understand what Leadership is all about, or are they supposed to practice a different kind of Leadership grounded in very different leadership values?”

It was really more of an assertion than a question, heavy with sarcasm and sounded like it was vengefully prompted by pent-up frustration or disillusionment – but it was an excellent question. And the fact that it was not brought up earlier in the morning during the actual leadership session was also interesting. So, I said exactly that – that it was an excellent and interesting question! And that seemed to be enough to make everyone at the table shed any and whatever hesitation and eagerly jumped into the discussion, or more accurately an outpouring of one-way critique.

How I wished all those politicians and political leaders were flies (well…maybe something else since this was over lunch, remember…) on the wall listening to all those concerted and concerned views. Of necessity in trying to keep the discussion meaningful, I found myself drawn into a role I have not been able to sincerely play of late – defending and speaking up for the politicians and political leaders. It was a difficult challenge made impossible by the odd (seven to one) and their overwhelming conviction. At best I might have persuaded them to be more objective in their views and perhaps less bias in their stereotyping - but the basic observations, although mostly quite familiar and oft-repeated, had much truth and were indisputably valid.

In total, emphatically registered by each and every one of them, was the perception of blind arrogance, continuing blissful smugness, and sheer ineffectiveness of the leadership at virtually every level (I have “expunged” their assertion of “rampant corruption” since that calls for a different kind and level of proof and forum). The vehemence, conviction, and the consistency of their common views were most telling, as telling as the logic and coherence of their overall arguments, examples, and conclusions.

Views of a small sample they might be but this same overall perception had become very commonplace of late, with the anger and passion behind the words seemingly driven by a mounting degree of desperation and rage born of genuine and deep-seated concern for the continuing well-being of the country. This spreading concern is ominous. There was not the slightest doubt in their hearts and minds that the country is heading for some difficult time given its current less-then-reassuring overall stewardship performance. And they might indeed prove right!

This is perhaps a reality most of us are understandably reluctant to accept because it can only complicate our domestic political equation and upset the overall scenario. Yet it is a reality that is better accepted sooner rather than later – so that the sooner we can begin some serious examination of this predicament and perhaps decide for ourselves how to avoid its debilitating prospect!

Perhaps it is time for us, the majority “up-to-now blissfully unconcerned passengers” to be concerned. Perhaps it is time for us to do some really serious soul-searching and honestly examine what we can and should do, within the bounds of our established system, to help correct the situation!


Unknown said...

I don't deny that there are Msians, incl myself, are of the opinion that our leaders do not practise "quality leadership". I also believe that most of our so-called leaders are "blind followers", intentionally (they want to please their bosses) or unintentionally (they are lack of intellectual acuity). If this continues, the development of Msia will be falling behind other under-developed countries, economically and socially.. which is happening now.. Then again, I guess majority of the Msians attitude is either "if I cant beat the system, I'll join them" or "nevermind la.. I will have my migration planned out"..

Unknown said...

its called EGO!!! bloody leaders think they dont need the training. malaysian politicians think that the fact they are in that position they do not need any training and do no one knows better than them. which is utter rubbish!! tiger woods the worlds best golfer seeks training, federer seeks training, not just to sharpen thier skills, to better their phisique and also see psychologists!! fortune 500 ceo's go for conference, seminar etc.

r u tellin me that these kampung politicians are better do not need sharpening n broadening their witts?!! if these people like tiger, federer, shumi, rupert murdoch, invgar kampard, bill gates who revolutionize their respective sport/businesses i strongly believe that as responsible leaders, representitive of our people they should constantly develope n enhance themselves.

Paradin said...

Seerfoon - what you said is exactly right and we want to make sure we have for ourselves a wider range of options than just the last two you mentioned.